Bac 2017 : les corrigés de l'anglais (LV1)

Les corrigés de l'épreuve de la plus importante des langues vivantes sont disponibles après l'épreuve de LV1. Compréhension et expression écrite, découvrez le corrigé des l'épreuve d'anglais LV1

Bac 2017 : les corrigés de l'anglais (LV1)

    Le corrigé de l'épreuve de la plus importante des langues vivantes est disponible après l'épreuve de LV1

    . Découvrez le corrigé des l'épreuve d'anglais LV1 du Bac 2017.

    Consultez ici les sujets du Bac de LV1 2017 en intégralité

    Bac 2017 - Séries Générales : Anglais

    Durée de l'épreuve : 3h

    Compréhension de l’écrit

    Document A


    . 1. Name of the competition : (Take a View) Landscape Photographer of the Year Award Competition

    2. Founder of the competition : Charlie Waite

    3. Submission deadline for 2014 : July 11th

    4. 2013 winner : Tony Bennett

    5. Location of the 2013 winning photograph : Crummock Water in Cumbria

    6. Season depicted in the 2013 winning photograph : Autumn


    . 1. True: ll.13-14 “with an exclusive focus on the British landscape” or ll.19-20 “celebrates the United Kingdom only”

    2. False: ll.20 “photographers worldwide”

    3. False: l.27 “seventh person to win the prestigious title”


    . Glastonbury Tor seems mysterious. In fact it is hidden “behind a shroud of mist” (l.1) and surrounded by clouds. It is also a dramatic place that could be “the setting for a fantasy adventure” (l.7).


    . Charlie Waite says that photographs can:

    - a. be informative (l.15 “key to conveying information”)

    -b. be used to advertise Britain (l.16 “what better way to encourage visitors”)

    -d. make people appreciate Britain’s beauty (l.17 “appreciate what Britain has to offer and to discover that there is joy to be had from our landscapes”)


    . 1. Three types of photographs are mentioned: photographs of the city (l.22“cityscapes”), of the countryside (l.22 “misty tors in the West Country”) and of seas and rivers (l.23“turquoise waters”).

    2. This shows that the British landscape is extremely diverse.


    1. The two sponsors of the 2014 competition are Visit Britain and Countryside is GREAT.

    2. They sponsor the competition for two reasons. First it is a way to reward the “skill[s]” (l.23) of talented photographers and second, photographs are a way to promote tourism in Britain and “inspire people from all over the world to come” (ll.37-38).


    This statement is false. The competition is presented in an extremely positive light and the interviewees all express enthusiasm about it. The position of the journalist is illustrated in the headline “Breathtaking beauty of Britain” and when he writes about the “prestigious title” (l.27) that can be won.

    Document B


    . The scene is set in England in the late afternoon/early evening of a summer day.


    . 3 – 1 – 4 – 2


    . 1. The people seem to be joyful and relaxed. The repetition of the words “laugh” and “laughter” and the fact that everyone is “careless and untroubled” (l.18) show it.

    2. A party, maybe a birthday party or an anniversary, seems to be taking place.


    1. The narrator wants to have a way to remember this moment as the phrase “capture it and imprison it forever” (l.16) indicates. She also enjoys the feeling of power it gives her to “stop time’s relentless motion” (l.17)

    2. Photography is powerful because it is “fast”(l.19) and can capture a “split second” (l.17). What is more, it can make what is ephemeral “eternal” (l.19).

    Document C


    . 1. The tourists are taking photos because they are at the famous site of Stonehenge. On top of that, the sun is about to set.

    2. The photographer’s intentions are different firstly because she is not taking a picture of Stonehenge but of the tourists. Her intentions are artistic as she is creating a mise en abyme with many pictures inside her picture and sociological as she is ironically showing how British tourists behave and all take the exact same picture.


    . Photography is powerful because:

    - it allows people to record moments that mean a lot to them like the party in Document B or a holiday as in Document C;

    - it can capture ephemeral events such as mist, joy or a sunset as illustrated in the three documents;

    - it is a form of art that is accessible to all whether you are a professional photographer like Tony Bennett or the narrator in Document B, or a simple tourist.

    Expression écrite

    SUJET 1:

    Il s’agissait d’un discours tenu lors d’une cérémonie officielle. Il fallait donc adopter un ton formel et respecter les codes du genre (salutations, remerciements…). Pour le contenu, il était souhaitable de s’appuyer sur les éléments d’analyse de l’image du Document C et sur les renseignements collectés sur le concours dans le Document A.

    SUJET 2 :

    Il s’agissait d’une question d’argumentation. Il fallait donc structurer son discours (introduction, développement, conclusion) et lier ses idées à l’aide de connecteurs logiques. Il était possible de ne développer que les aspects positifs de la photographie, ou alors d’en évoquer les limites/dérives également.

    Expression écrite L option LVA

    le candidat en série littéraire ayant choisit l'option LVA traite le sujet 2 ci-dessus, plus le sujet 1 ci-dessous

    SUJET 1:

    Il s’agissait de raconter la suite de l’histoire. Il était souhaitable de le faire en alternant récit et parties dialoguées. Avant toute chose, il fallait apporter des éléments nouveaux : quelle fête réunissait les personnages ? pourquoi riaient-ils ? où se dirigeaient-ils ? la narratrice parviendrait-elle à immortaliser cet instant ?

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